Hi everyone.
    I'm working on a project involving moving telemetry and commands
back and forth over a mote network, and I'd like to make use of whatever
existing code I can.  I'm using mica2 hardware.  On the PC side of the
network, I'm receiving telemetry and sending commands.  On the outboard
(field) side of the network, I'm receiving commands and sending
telemetry.  Additionally, the outboard mote will be on a mobile
platform, and may not always be in direct contact with the base station
(PC), but will always be in contact with at least one other node of the
network which includes the PC.
    Now, I was planning on using the TOSBase code to forward network
packets to serial and visa-versa, but I'm not clear on whether or not
that code includes ad-hoc networking capability (i.e. nodes between the
base and the remote forward radio packets from one to the other).  What
I am wondering is if anyone knows if TOSBase is what I want, and if not,
are there any suggestions as to existing code which I might use?
    Thanks very much!

        - Conor Todd
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