 I updated my tinyos-2.x dev branch a few days back. I was trying to compile an application which reads data of the flash of a tmote or micaz  using the serial forwarder and a JAVA app (that I wrote using mig).

  This application was running without any problem a while back ( I hadn't updated my code for a while :) ). When I tried compiling my app with the new tree, I got the following warnings related to the serial comm, on doing make 'telosb' although the compilation went through fine.

nesc1: warning: calls to Usart.isTxEmpty in Msp430SpiNoDmaP$0 are uncombined
nesc1: warning: calls to Usart.isSPI in Msp430SpiNoDmaP$0 are uncombined
nesc1: warning: calls to Usart.isUARTrx in Msp430SpiNoDmaP$0 are uncombined
nesc1: warning: calls to Usart.isUART in Msp430SpiNoDmaP$0 are uncombined
nesc1: warning: calls to Usart.isI2C in Msp430SpiNoDmaP$0 are uncombined
nesc1: warning: calls to Usart.isUARTtx in Msp430SpiNoDmaP$0 are uncombined
nesc1: warning: calls to Usart.getMode in Msp430SpiNoDmaP$0 are uncombined
nesc1: warning: calls to Usart.isTxIntrPending in Msp430SpiNoDmaP$0 are uncombined
nesc1: warning: calls to Usart.rx in Msp430SpiNoDmaP$0 are uncombined
nesc1: warning: calls to Usart.isRxIntrPending in Msp430SpiNoDmaP$0 are uncombined

I was able to load the binaries on to the tmote and was able to connect to the tmote using the 'C' serial forwarder. But when I send a read flash command from my machine through the serial forwarder to a tmote connected on USB0, I think the tmote is not receiving the command. Although the serial forwarder says it has written the packet correctly.

  My questions is are the warnings above an indication of any problems with serial communication or should I be looking at some place else. And if yes, could I get pointers to fix them ?

Thanks and regards,
Phd Dept. of Electrical Engineering
University of Southern California
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