Hi all!
In my work, I want to creat my own structure (say, MyMsg). I creat file MyMsg.h and put in the directory..../apps/Project. I want to creat the class MyMsg.java in the directory.../tools/java/net/tinyos/tools. I made the change to the Makefile in the tools directory as follow:
MSGS = DelugeConsts.java DelugeAdvMsg.java DelugeReqMsg.java DelugeDataMsg.java SimpleCmdMsg.java LogMsg.java MyMsg.java
 $(MIG) -java-classname=$(PACKAGE).MyMsg $(MYMSG_LIB)/MyMsg.h MyMsg -o $@
However I do not know how to re-run this file to creat the MyMsg.java class? Could you help me some advice.

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