On Jun 15, 2006, at 7:35 AM, Cormac Duffy wrote:

dont understand how tossim is working yet,
the best I can work out is that you compile with

make micaz sim

and in the ./build/micaz/ directory are some object files, and a few
python files in the application directory.

is it possible to use the new tossim with gdb? so i can step though app
and find problems with code before uploading??

is there any documentation written on the subject yet? (i appreciate
tinyos2.x is still in beta stage)

There is a tutorial, in doc/html/tutorial.

Are you working from CVS or from the beta RPM? The former has a great deal more functionality than the latter.

You can use gdb; the tutorial goes into this. The one annoying part is nesC's name mangling when combined with generic components. It means that you have to do things like

break *ForwardingEngineP$0$SubSend$sendDone

(the 0 is because ForwardingEngineP is a generic).

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