On Jul 23, 2006, at 11:37 AM, Jonathan Hui wrote:

After a little testing, it looks like the radio stack is still alive.
I modified BlinkToRadio to maintain two timers (1ms and 1s period),
both of which attemps to send a message on each fire event. After a
few moments, the 1ms timer will fail to fire, but the 1s timer will
continue firing and sending messages. Even more interesting is that
the 1ms timer starts firing at the same period as the 1s timer.

It's probably the case that the radio stack is somehow affecting the
operation of the msp430 timer stack and causing it to fail in
repeatedly firing the 1ms timer. Haven't dug too much into the timer
code to understand why this is.

I've attached the modified app I used to test.

Cory, do you have an ideas?

Yeah, I should have given more background. I think it's definitely the case that it's the MSP430 timer stack, which runs into some issues when timers are at too fast a rate (e.g., 1ms). E.g., in the 2.0 tutorials, there's a part where you try using very long tasks of different length to show the run-to-completion semantics. On atm128 platforms, a task that's too long causes you to lose timer events but things continue as expected; on msp430 ones, the timer stack can act erratically.

Joe, Cory, does Boomerang 2.0.2 use the 2.x timer stack unchanged, or have you incorporated fixes?

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