Your timer is probably wrapping around. If you subtract your
value from -1 you get 5926, which is more probable. You may
need to check which is the larger of your begin/end values
before you subtract.


Sangwon Hyun wrote:
I am trying to measure the execution time of a command that I implemented. For this measurement, I am using SysTimeC.SysTime interface. The part of my code for this measurement is as follows. begin = call SysTime.getTime32();
call GF.gadd(x, y);
end = call SysTime.getTime32();
timeToTake = (end - begin);
The problem is that a minus value is assigned into "timeToTake" variable. To omit the minus sign, I have already tried "%lu" format in printf statement. But the printed value was really unreasonable value like 4294961369(about 77 mins). Please let me know what the problem is.
Thanks in advance,


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