Hello everybody:
I am trying to use the component GenericComm to send packets to UART. However, everytime I add such component I get the following error:
c:/tinyos/cygwin/tinyos-1.x/tos/types/AM.h:51: parse error before '0xffff'
The code is the following:
      #define AM_TYPE 50
   components Main, SMACTestM, SMAC, LedsC, UART, GenericComm as Comm;
   Main.StdControl -> SMACTestM;
   SMACTestM.MACControl -> SMAC;
   SMACTestM.MACComm -> SMAC;
   SMACTestM.LinkState -> SMAC;
   SMACTestM.MACTest -> SMAC;
   SMACTestM.Leds -> LedsC;
   SMACTestM.PP_signal -> SMAC;
   SMACTestM.UARTControl -> UART;
   SMACTestM.UARTComm -> UART;
   // To use an external time stamp in S-MAC, provide the following wiring
   // SMAC.TimeStamp -> YourComponent.TimeStamp;
Could someone help me please?
Thank you!
Miguel A. Erazo

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