you'd try including the CFLAGS += -DTOSH_MAX_TASKS_LOG2=8 line in the App Makefile,

to increase the size of the task queue to 256.


On 01/08/06, Munaretto, Daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
How is it possible to increase the task queue on TinyOS1.x (micaz motes)?
which files and where do i have to modify?
thanks for your availability

       -----Original Message-----
       From: Aaron Ault [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
       Sent: Mon 7/31/2006 9:00 PM
       Cc: tinyos-help@Millennium.Berkeley.EDU
       Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] Question

       I've had problems like that when the task queue overflows.  The default
       size is 8, you might want to increase it to 32 or so.


       On Mon, 2006-07-31 at 13:38 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
       > Hello,
       > I have a question regarding a message transmission problem that I encounter. I
       > run a TinyOS application with 200 nodes, with the following configuration file:
       > configuration test_filter {
       > }
       > implementation {
       >   components Main, test_filterM, SingleTimer, LedsC, PotC, GenericComm as Comm,
       > RandomLFSR;
       >   Main.StdControl -> SingleTimer.StdControl;
       >   Main.StdControl -> test_filterM.StdControl;
       >   test_filterM.Timer -> SingleTimer.Timer;
       >   test_filterM.Leds -> LedsC;
       >   test_filterM.CommControl -> Comm;
       >   test_filterM.SendMsg -> Comm.SendMsg[1];
       >   test_filterM.ReceiveMsg -> Comm.ReceiveMsg[1];
       >   test_filterM.Random -> RandomLFSR;
       > }
       > A am building a routing tree over those nodes, using a sparse bit error graph
       > (about 10 neighbors have 0 bit-errors, and the rest have 0.5) and the problem is
       > that after multiple message broadcasts, well into the process, I encounter a
       > case where a node repeatedly transmits a message (using call SendMsg.send) and
       > its intended recipient does not register it (using event ReceiveMsg.receive).
       > There are no other nodes that transmit at this time, just node A which tries to
       > send a message to node B, which is targeted specifically to B (not a broadcast).
       > The bit error between them is 0, and yet node B does not register the message. B
       > has previously received messages from A before the current attempt on A's
       > behalf. Source code and status logs can be provided on request.
       > Why does this situation arise? Is it possible that there is some kind of
       > overflow of internal message queues? Is it because of the methods use to send
       > and receive? Can you suggest an alternative?
       > Svilen Mihaylov
       > ----- End forwarded message -----
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