sorry I don't know about the .patch thing,
but to add to your CLASSPATH, assuming you are using Windows:

You can go through the
"My Computer-Properties-Advanced-Environment Variables"
menu and set it for your whole system.

Or under cygwin's bash shell:

Look for "export CLASSPATH" in
or in your home directory, something like:

and add the jar name to the list like:
    export CLASSPATH "x.jar;jmi.jar;..."
if you can't find an existing variable you can still add to it with:
    export CLASSPATH "$CLASSPATH;jmi.jar"
Make sure you use the double-quotes around the whole path or the shell
will interpret the ';' as a command separator.

Use "man bash" in the cygwin shell to get a _huge_ explanation
of all the things the shell can do, like the above variable setting.

The above works for Linux, etal, as well,
as long as you can find the relevant files.


jurin dan wrote:


i'm now learning how to use matlab with tinyos tools. i have matlab 7.0.0 R14
       currently i'm trying ti compile
according to the tutorial before proceeding, i must run MatlabControl-R13-R14.patch. so in tis directory : \TinyOS\cygwin\opt\tinyos-1.x\tools\java\net\tinyos\matlab i type:

patch MatlabControl-R13-R14.patch, and i didn't get any response from cygwin.

did somebody know how to execute the patch and how to add jmi.jar file in my CLASSPATH environment variable?


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