>>>One other related problem is that when I use genericComm to send to a specificnode, the other neighbor nodes won't hear it because it doesn't signal the receive event.

Try GenericCommPromiscuous. I haven't used this myself but the code looks like it does what you want.


Arya Afrashteh wrote:
I'm currently researching and trying to come up with a way to design a transport protocol for TinyOS. However I believe that using cross-layer design would be beneficial when it comes to routing and detecting neighbors and determining link quality. In TinyOS, how would I retrieve statistical data from the MAC layer?

One other related problem is that when I use genericComm to send to a specific node, the other neighbor nodes won't hear it because it doesn't signal the receive event. I was thinking of just making everything broadcast and add a destinationAddr on top of the protocol but that seemed wasteful. Is there anyway to make the receive event be signaled no matter what the destination address is and then I can check manually to see if I want to do further work with that packet? Any advice or papers to read links would be useful, thanks!

- Arya

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