On Aug 10, 2006, at 11:26 AM, Ian Welch wrote:

I nee a little help / explanation on how packet acknowledgments work? TOS 2.0, Mica2Dot I've set up my node to look for packed acknowledgments using the ActiveMessageC module with PacketAcknowledgements interface. I enable Ack by

       call ACK.requestAck(&packet);

then perodiceally check for a response with

       if(call ACK.wasAcked(&packet)) {call Leds.led0Toggle(); }

but I never seem to get a response. The other side of the radio link is running BaseStation (unmodified). Is there something I need to include so the basestation knows it's supposed to respond to an ack request? Also a little explanation or a link on how this works.

To what address are you sending the packet? Broadcasts can't be acked.


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