I want to write some data in Flash of MSP430 and read them.
For this, I used InternalFlashC component and InternalFlash interface.
However, data did not been stored in Flash.
In single program, it works well. (I conducted write and read. Then stored data was read exactly same.)
In separated write and read program, however, data did not been stored.
I conducte write data into Flash in one program. After doing this, I conduct read data of Flash from same address in another program. Then wrong value is read.
In my thought, Flash may be erased. I used information memory of Flash in MSP430.
(Address is from 01000h to 010FFh with 256 Byte.)
Just write code is call InternalFlash.write((uint8_t *)0x00, data<array>,  sizeof(data));
read code is call InternalFlash.read((uint8_t *)0x00, data<array>, sizeof(data));
Plz, help me.
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