On Wednesday 23 August 2006 01:44 am, Chong Hui Kim wrote:
> I searched mailing list. But I didn't get answer.
> How can I include header file in other directory?

I add app-specific include directories to the PFLAGS variable in the Makefile.  
Note lines 4 and 5 in the Makefile:

---------- Example Makefile------------

# Common components (note prototype msp430adc12 package)
PFLAGS += -I. -Imsp430adc12 -Itimer -Itrigger -Istorage -Isensor
PFLAGS += -Idevice -Isensor_meta -Isensor_meta/core -Isensor_meta/types

PFLAGS += -Wl,-Map=build/$(COMPONENT).map
include $(MAKERULES)

Then, include header files without any path information, i.e.:

#include "sensor_meta.h"

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