Back in 2004, This was posted to the tinyos-users mailing list.

> Sometimes -- for a wide range of reasons -- the fuse bits become set improperly. This can lead to really weird behavior which is very hard to debug or figure out[1]. Among other > things, it leads to lots of cries for help on tinyos-help. Resetting them to the proper values every time removes the problem and saves a lot of people's time.

> Phil

> [1] E.g., seeing timer skew/missed timers with power management when the wakeup latency fuse is set incorrectly. Some motes work fine, others don't...

I am experiencing these symptoms (timer skew and missed timers) when using power management; however, I haven't been able to find anywhere how to set the wakeup latency fuse or what it should be set to.  I read the fuse bits from my mote (mica2dot).  They are

low = 0xff
high = 0xd8
extended = 0xff

Is this incorrect.  I tried to looking at the Atmega128's data sheet, but it was unclear to me what values I should be using.  Any help would be great.
Jacob Sorber
Tinyos-help mailing list

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