And you shouldn't have to free anything in TinyOS.  The message you received
was not dynamically allocated. Just use its pointer in the receive event,
return it, and forget it.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Moss
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2006 10:56 AM
To: 'Munaretto, Daniel'; tinyos-help@Millennium.Berkeley.EDU
Subject: RE: [Tinyos-help] repeating tests,no free memory


This was one thing I noticed about the code I looked at but failed to warn
against, because I didn't know any better until I read up on it afterwards.

Below are a few emails from this list that may point you in the right

712.html :

"The TinyOS programming methodology frowns on malloc, for several 

1) No memory protection so you can smash your stack
2) Unforeseen rate mismatches can cause you to do 1 (you start 
receiving packets faster than you can forward them)
3) Event-driven execution models can make free()ing a hard thing to do 
right (hence pool allocations, etc.)

If you want dynamic allocation, look at TinyAlloc (which Joe 
mentioned). It allows you to allocate a static chunk of RAM which you 
then parcel out dynamically. But using it in the presence of 
conflicting components is a recipe for disaster. Systems such as TinyDB 
get away with it because all their parts are designed to work together.


"Hi all,

      Refer to the paper "The NesC Language: A Holistic Approach to
Networked Embedded Systems", dynamic memory allocation and function
pointers are prohibited in NesC language. For dynamic memory
allocation, it's quite clear to me why we can't use it in TinyOS as
refered to
. We can use TinyAlloc or MemAlloc instead of directly calling
malloc() and so on. But for function pointers, it's not clear to me
that we can or can't use it in TinyOS. What would be the problems if I
use that?"

"Short answer: it leads to more reliable code.

Long answer:

Here's a pointer (haha!):

There's a difference between malloc() and dynamic allocation. nesC  
does not forbid dynamic memory allocation: there's nothing stopping  
you from writing a component that allocates a pool of memory and has  
dynamic allocation interfaces. Take a look at TinyAlloc, for example.

nesC does, however, frown on malloc, for the reasons described in the  
above mail. Modern coding styles generally assume unbounded memory,  
in as much that you have swap space so will see tremendous  
performance degradation before the system crashes. General  
application behavior on allocation failure is to exit(2) and  
therefore deallocate everything. With a processes, multitasking, and  
automatic page reclamation, this works fine. But on an embedded  
system with no memory protection, well, it's not so clean.

Part of the issue is that while dynamic allocation among a set of  
cooperating components can work fine (e.g., TinyDB, Ben Greenstein  
@UCLA's work on signal processing), dynamic allocation between  
arbitrary components (a single shared pool) is a recipe for disaster.  
One bad component can bring the entire system down, as the shared  
resource breaks inter-component isolation.

The reason why nesC frowns on function pointers is because they are  
dangerous and except for a few edge cases (e.g., dynamically linking  
new binary modules), unnecessary. You know the call graph at compile- 
time. Instead of storing a function pointer in memory, which could be  
corrupted and lead you to jump to certain doom, you can just use a  
parameterized interface and call based on a function ID. This also  
gives you type checking for the functions It is more robust, just as  
easy (once you get used to it), and generally uses less RAM (no need  
to store the pointer). Function pointers are a basic result of C's  
linking model. nesC's linking model does not have the same  
complications (interfaces are bidirectional), so you can avoid them.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Munaretto,
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2006 1:51 AM
To: tinyos-help@Millennium.Berkeley.EDU
Subject: [Tinyos-help] repeating tests,no free memory

Dear all,
       i discover a really strange behavior in my application. 
I repeat more times my code, and after some experiments the motes break
So there is a memory problem.
But i'm sure i free all the memory i allocate during the code. I'm using
only a buffer and i re-use it all the times, instead i allocate memory with
"calloc()" only for creating a chain which i delete at the end of each
simulation with the "free" command and then i give "NULL" to the pointers.
So i don't understand where i lose memory each time i re-run the program
(without re-booting the motes). i'm in tinyos 1.1.15,micaz motes.
I'm using the FlashBridge interface because i'm working on the flash.
I'm supposing that, may be, the problem is in the way Tinyos handles the
packets received. For example, in the function "event TOS_MsgPtr
Receive.receive(TOS_MsgPtr m)", before returning m, do i have to free it?But
i can see it's wrong to do..
Please, if anyone knows where i have to find the waste of memory (may be
some interfaces)...any helps will be really appreciated
thanks very much

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