Is the radio on?  Has it had enough time to power up?  Is it tuned correctly?  Have you done the Truffle Shuffle?
        - Conor

On 9/11/06, David Moss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Still working with this problem -
I downloaded TinyOS 2.x beta2 to three computers now, and have tried compiling/installing the RadioCountToLeds app from all three computers onto a mix of mica2 motes, including regular mica2's and mica2 OEM's.  I can see that their radio sendDone events are called correctly by editing the code to toggle the leds when sendDone is called, but nothing is being transmitted over the radio. 
I have verified nothing is being transmitted by using A) another mote programmed up with RadioCountToLeds which receives nothing, B) a BaseStation mote that receives nothing, and C) a spectrum analyzer that shows no transmissions in the 902-928 MHz band.
I can usually nail these problems down to something, but on this one I'm stuck.  Any ideas on where to look?

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