I'had the same problem..and now (today) it seems to work!
Try to verify that UartDetectC recognize that mote was connected via USB...
I found this problem.
Perhaps one other problem was to strictly verify that base station don't comunicate with the sender mote...in one test after two minutes I found that base and sender motes were talking, even if I thought no!!

Joe Polastre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:
Have you tried using Delta and Trawler?

Note that the mote connected to the PC must either be node id 0 or
must communicate with a program on the host that informs the mote that
it is the base station (such as Trawler)


On 9/22/06, Pablo Gil Montaño <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> I'm trying to set up a multip-hop collection tree with tmote motes. I am
> using component MultiHop (moteiv/tos/lib/MultiHop), but I can't get it to
> work. The node attached to the USB is constantly sending a packet to the
> computer, regardless what the other motes are sending. Apart from that,
> using Intercept and Leds I have realized that there is no mulltihop
> communication at all: if I take a mote and take it away from the base
> station until there is no communication between the mote and the base, they
> won't communicate no matter how many motes I put between them.
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