Hi, all
My question is if I want to use the Timer0 in Asynchronous mode to wake up MCU, how to do that? I know I have to enable the “sei( );”, and set AS0 bit in ASSR (Asynchronous Status Register) the timer0 would run during sleep. But how to implement Timer 0, and how to define the parameter for timer (i.e. how long to get fired( ) and what to do when timer fired( )…

I have read the Atmel 128 datasheet and check all the info in mail-list. But I still not clear about this. If anyone can give some example is about using Timer0 to wake up the mote. That must be pretty helpful for me.

Another question is if I use external interrupt to wake up the mote by using INT3:0. Since INT3:0 are detected asynchronously. This implies that these interrupts can be used for waking the part also from sleep modes. How to use this feature which provides a way of generating a software interrupt? I thought I need some example to make clear this subject, any help or advice is welcome


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