Hi, guys,
I am a very beginner,
Can you please explain what does "This will build the TinyOS program as tinyviz.jar, a stand-alone Java JAR file that you can run with the tinyviz script, found in this directory. Place this script on your PATH and you will be able to run tinyviz directly from the command line. " mean, after typing make under tools/java/net/tinyos/sim, I tried "ls", there is only a file named tinyviz.java and a file tinyviz there, and no tinyviz.jar ??  and I don't get how to place something on PATH...
and, after typing
export DBG=usr1
tinyviz -run build/pc/main.exe 30
following message appears in the window:

java -Dpython.cachedir=/tmp/jython.cache -DDBG=usr1 -DSIMDBG= -jar C:/cygwin/opt

/tinyos-1.x/tools/java/net/tinyos/sim/simdriver.jar -gui -run build/pc/main.exe
Starting SimDriver...
Simulation random seed 661731757
Initializing simulator objects...
Loading simulator plugins...
Creating TinyViz GUI...

Welcome to Tython. Type 'quit' to exit.
ESC on a line by itself will pause/resume the simulator.

>>> AUTORUN: Initializing simulation.
AUTORUN: Running simulation: build/pc/main.exe -gui -r=lossy -seed=661731757 -no
dbgout 30
AUTORUN: Unable to run simulation: java.io.IOException: CreateProcess: build\pc\
main.exe -gui -r=lossy -seed=661731757 -nodbgout 30 error=2
java.io.IOException: CreateProcess: build\pc\main.exe -gui -r=lossy -seed=661731
757 -nodbgout 30 error=2
        at java.lang.ProcessImpl.create(Native Method)
        at java.lang.ProcessImpl.<init>(ProcessImpl.java:81)
        at java.lang.ProcessImpl.start(ProcessImpl.java:30)
        at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(ProcessBuilder.java:451)
        at java.lang.Runtime.exec (Runtime.java:591)
        at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Runtime.java:429)
        at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Runtime.java:367)
        at net.tinyos.sim.AutoRun$AutoRunThread.run(AutoRun.java:344)
        at java.lang.Thread.run (Thread.java:595)
AUTORUN: Stopping simulation.

Tinyviz always flashes and dissapears quickly,

it always appears an error at the bottom of tinyviz window: connection to simulator failed.

And even if I first do the "make pc" to other applications like "blink", it does not work either, and suffers the same problem. 

Plz, somebody help me!

Thans a lot!! ^_^


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