I had the same thing. This is how I fixed it:

Go into an Administrator account on your computer and select the opt directory
in your cygwin directory.

Under properties-->Security your should be able to alter settings so that at
least your account has "Full Control" over the "child objects". You will need
to select the Advanced button and work in there.

It is advisable to disable the "Inherit from parent" and use the "Replace
permission on all child objects" and manually manage permissions in this
folder, since all TinyOS users need to be able to read, write, and delete
files here to use the tutorials and to make the Java apps.

For some reason, the United States is the only country on Earth where
accidents don't happen – it's always somebody's fault, and you can sue that
somebody for neglect.

On Thu, October 26, 2006 2:48 pm, Michael Schippling said:
> You might check the permissions on the TOS tree, make sure it's all writable.
> MS
> Liupeng wrote:
>> Hi, everybody.
>> When i'v installed cygwin and tinyos manually, i met the error message
>> after i tried to compile the nesc code, such as cnttoleds, or just
>> blink. The message seems like:
>> In file included from BlinkM.nc:41:
>> D:/cygwin/opt/tinyos-1.x/tos/interfaces/Timer.nc:41: failed to create
>> temporary
>> file
>> In file included from D:/cygwin/opt/tinyos-1.x/tos/system/TimerM.nc:53:
>> D:/cygwin/opt/tinyos- 1.x/tos/interfaces/Clock.nc:47: failed to create
>> temporary
>> file
>> make: *** [build/mica2/main.exe] Error 1
>> The solution given in
>> https://mail.millennium.berkeley.edu/pipermail/tinyos-help/2005-March/008410.html
>> <https://mail.millennium.berkeley.edu/pipermail/tinyos-help/2005-March/008410.html>is
>> upgrade the nesc version to 1.1.2b. I tried it but no help.

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