OK, that makes some sense...but what was wrong with good'ole
        tar xvf
        make install

or am I showing my age?

p.s....actually though...on MSWidows I'd expect to have the
MyCompuker control panel env vars and settings which, sometimes,
have the right java PATH...

David Gay wrote:
On 12/8/06, Michael Schippling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
That's....odd. I wonder if rpm is trying to use some (stupid)
java control panel app to find the programs. In any case it
should be possible to go back and manually make the tools
directory after the smoke clears.

rpm scripts run in an environment where most user customisation is
ignored (for good reason, if you think about it). Chances are good
that javac is not in the path when the rpm scripts are run. I believe,
e.g., that the path is /bin:/usr/bin (and may include /usr/sbin and
/sbin, I forget). The tos-locate-jre tries to primarily locate Java
(on cygwin) by looking for registry keys to get around this problem.

David Gay
Tinyos-help mailing list

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