assuming we are on TOS 1.x...

I've had no trouble with running TOSBase on micaz. I don't
remember making any changes to the code, just "make micaz".
I don't think there is any Makefile change necessary.
That said, I have only used it from the contrib/xbow tree...

You should see some LEDs flashing when messages are sent or
received. sends a message when it starts
so if you don't see a led flash on the base station, perhaps
something else is wrong. You have the same serial line setup
as with the local hardware_check, right?


Thusitha Bandara wrote:
*The actual problem is that the TOSBase is not working for the MicaHWVerify (RF Verification) or OscilloscopeRF applications.* *I tried TOSBase with MicaHWVerify and OscilloscopeRF. It just give those warning when it is compiling. I know those warnings may not be the problem.* /1) As the tutorial says that the TOSBase is for MICA2 and MICA2DOT. It specify MICA2 as the PLATFORM in its' make file. So what i did is , i changed it into MICAZ. Because we have only MICAZ Motes./ /2) I tried this with "SimpleCmd" application as well - but it dosen't work for that as well./ ** Are their any aditional changes which i should make in order to change an application (e.g TOSBase) to support for MICAZ platform?* * As i understand, i thought i just want to change the platform in its Makefile, because of the baurdrate of MICA2 and MICAZ are the same. Is it correct?* ** ** The "MicaHWVerify" work for MICAZ when i just change the PLATFORM to MICAZ- Only for the Hardware Verification. (Not for the RF Verification). Why is that?* Please help me to resolve these problems. Because i can't go forward without TOSBase for implementing Radio Communication with the PC. OR Else ** IS THERE ANY OTHER PROGRAM WHICH I COULD USE INSTEAD OF "TOSBase" OTHER THAN "GENERICBase"??. (I CAN'T USE TransparentBase, because i want to get the data by considering GroupID as well.) Regards,
(The Happy is the Goal!).

----- Original Message ----
From: Michael Schippling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Thusitha Bandara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: tinyos-help@Millennium.Berkeley.EDU
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 12:14:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] My TOSBase application is still not working for MICAZ , Please Guide Me

ummmmm...what is the actual problem?
The warnings?
Most likely they are red herrings...just go ahead and install the program.

Thusitha Bandara wrote:
 > * Hi, *
 > * *
 > * I couldn't find the problem with my TOSBase Application. If you can,
 > please help me to make the TOSBase application work for MICAZ. All the
 > datails are as below: *
> > *First Compilation Output of TOSBase:* > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 > /cygdrive/d/tinyos/cygwin/opt/tinyos-1.x/contrib/xbow/apps/T
 > OSBase
 > $ make micaz
 > mkdir -p build/micaz
 >     compiling TOSBase to a micaz binary
 > ncc -o build/micaz/main.exe
 >  -Os -I%T/../contrib/xbow/tos/platform/micaz
 >  -finline-limit=100000 -Wall -Wshadow -DDEF_TOS_AM_GROUP=125
 > -Wnesc-all -target=micaz
 >  -fnesc-cfile=build/micaz/app.c
 >  -board=micasb -DCC1K_DEFAULT_FREQ=RADIO_916BAND_CHA
 > NNEL_00
 >  -DCC2420_DEF_CHANNEL=26
> -DIDENT_PROGRAM_NAME_BYTES="84,79,83,66,97,115,101,0" > -DIDENT_USER_HASH=0x7d03cf31L
 >  -DIDENT_UNIX_TIME=0x45769692L
 >  -I/opt/tinyos-1.x/tos/lib/CC2420Radio -lm
> D:/tinyos/cygwin/opt/tinyos-1.x/tos/platform/micaz/
 > warning: `CCATimer.start' called asynchronously from `CCA.startWait'
 > D:/tinyos/cygwin/opt/tinyos-1.x/tos/lib/CC2420Radio/
 > warning: `Send.sendDone' called asynchronously from `sendFailed'
 >     compiled TOSBase to build/micaz/main.exe
 >             9986 bytes in ROM
 >              601 bytes in RAM
> avr-objcopy --output-target=srec build/micaz/main.exe build/micaz/main.srec > avr-objcopy --output-target=ihex build/micaz/main.exe build/micaz/main.ihex

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