I was trying to use interface SendMsg of GenericComm to send a message (based 
on the Oscilloscope example). This interface provides 2 functions:
  - send(Destination, Size, Msg);
  - sendDone(TOS_MsgPtr sent, result_t success) 
    I thought I would be able to check if the packet has been sent successfully 
by looking at the "success" field of sendDone. However, when I test it by 
having a mote UNICAST to a different one (which I intentionally turned OFF), it 
surprises me that sendDone always provides me a success that equals SUCCESS. By 
saying UNICAST, I meant I put the address of the other mote as destination 
address, instead of using TOS_BCAST_ADDR.
    So, what is wrong with this, and what is the best way to check if a message 
has been successfully sent or not.
    Thanks a lot for any help.

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