On Tuesday 16 January 2007 10:24, Miguel Pereira wrote:
> I have a simple question. I need to have a "Global Time" to control some
> tasks. That time needs to be ON on boot and never stop. Needs to be
> something like interface LocalTime. I already tried to use LocalTime but I
> do not have success. Which module provide LocalTime? The module
> CounterToLocalTimeC provide LocalTime but use interface Counter, and module
> TransformCounterC provides counter but uses counter too.

I'm still coming up to speed on timers, so please take this information with a 
grain of salt.

The answer might depend on your uC and what resolution you want.  A grep on 
$TOSROOT/tos shows that the mica platform's HilTimerMilliC provides the 
LocalTime interface with millisecond accuracy.  It appears the pxa27x chip 
also offers a millisecond-resolution LocalTime (CounterMilliC).  msp430 
offers CounterMilli32C that you could probably wrap with CounterToLocalTimeC.

I wanted a second-resolution 32-bit local time for msp430, so I implemented a 
small component that uses a timer/compare to trigger an async event to the 
component once per second.  The event increments a static variable, which is 
then returned upon calls to LocalTime.get().
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