I figured out the basic idea in "CountSleepRadio" application is to start and 
stop the CommStdControl() or CommControl() at appropriate times, say 2 seconds. 
And this application works.
I have one basic same question and problem, which I was having in implementing 
the alternate application, mentioned in my last e-mail.
I used the idea of "CountSleepRadio" in CntToledsAndRfm application. Where 
after few counter values I call CommControl.stop( ) and it works well. But 
further after few more counter values when I try to call CommControl.start() 
then this function never works. I mean mote remains in sleep mode.
The same happened when I tried to call CC1000RadioIntM.start/stop() in my 
alternate application.
Is there any other commands I have to implement before calling 
CommControl.start() when I had already called CommControl.stop() ? I couldn't 
figure out from any application where am wrong and why its a problem when I 
call CommControl.start() ...once CommControl.stop() had been called.
I also tried to call .init() before calling .start() function ONCE I have 
already called .stop()  but it didn't worked either.
Thanks in advance and hope to hear some suggestions from  anyone from tinyos 
community soon.
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