Hello all,
I've been writing code to send messages using the Sensornet Protocol.
I'm struggling with sending a large buffer (don't want to use Spram)
of data from a mote to matlab. Anyway, I send chunks of the large data
buffer, residing on the mote, and combine the chunks in matlab to
rebuild the buffer.

On the mote side I have two tasks, something like this

I declare 1x TOS_msg and 1x sp_message_t structures

  initial configuration
  post sendHelpTask

  load a new chunk into the data buffer
  send the data buffer to matlab, using SPSend.send

 if everything's ok, I post another helpTask, untill I've sent all
bits of the buffer

My problem is this: SPSend.send places a pointer to the message
datastructure in a pool of pointers. So sendDone() is raised when the
message is placed in the pool, not when the message is sent. So ...
when the messages are finally sent, the message buffer only contains
the last part of the data buffer, so I get multiple instances of the
last part instead of the whole buffer (in pieces of course).

I thought that when I post a task that sends the next message from
within a sendDone event, I'd be able to reuse the buffers, but it
seems like it's not the case. Can anybody help me with this, I need to
be able to send a number of messages and reuse the message data buffer
everytime. Please let me know if this post needs more information.
Thanks in advance...

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