java is the Virtual Machine runtime (JavaRuntimeEnvironment) thingie and
javac is the compiler that makes class files for the VM to run.

java is part of the JRE that everyone who is anyone should have
and javac is part of the SDK -- SoftwareDevelopmentKit -- that only
us important developers need. Fortunately there is a copy of java
in the SDK bin so you don't have to chase around finding it.

under cygwin and other real computers you can usually do:

        type java  {or any executable}

to see where the shell thinks it's going to get it from.
This basically follows all the settings in your PATH variable.
As for finding a Java installation, sometimes the Widows
control panel will have a "Java" widget that helps keep
track of where things are. Or just do a file find for javac.exe


Spidernet Lists wrote:
what is the difference between java and javac.

How can i find where is it installed and the PATH defined is right or not??

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