Hello another time,

I've tried some more times to run the code on the motes but the output
I get from them doesn't make sense. I thought it was because of the
floating-point libraries, but maybe I'm completely wrong, because I
get the same output for my make as you send me. Could it be a problem
of tinyos version? Or the Micaz needing another file?
I'm parsing the bytes the serials forwarder + xListen give me with
matlab: i extract the payload, invert every couple of bytes ( due to
the problem of big and little endians, but not inverting them still
doesn't work ) and use hex2dec or hex2num. I know it can be done with
the MIG java tool, but I do not understand how to it, as i haven't any
knowledge of java. Can someone give me an example for translating a
message struct from myMsg.h?

Any help or hint would be really welcomen,
Thanks in advance for your patience

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