Hi for all.

I use GenericComm for sending unicast message.
in the provided interface   sendMsg.send() this is the field address. In this 
field i fill the mote id of the receiver. But all the motes receive the message.
One way to solve the problem (on application layer ) is to ceck in the receive 

if (msg->addr == TOS_LOCAL_ADDRESS).....

but the documentation of this interface tell that is posible to send unicast 
without this check.
The MAC layer don't check this in tinyos?
How i have to solve the problem? You have example code tested?

Thanks in advance for help.

 Ing. Antonio Romano                                                
 RETIS Lab                                                                
 Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna   
 via G. Moruzzi, 1                   
 56124 Pisa (PI)  ITALY                                                      
tel:    +39 050 882034   
fax:   +39 050 882003  
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