On Wednesday 28 February 2007 03:32, Avanti Chitnis wrote:
> I am relatively new here.I am using TinyOS 1.1.15. I want an application
> that does the following:a mote should be able to detect a usb
> connection.When a mote is connected to a USB port, the Leds should glow
> thereby indicating a connection .  Any ideas??

By mote, do you mean a TelosB mote like the TMote Sky or the Crossbow Telos?  
These devices, IIRC, have a digital net that you can use for this purpose.  I 
don't recall which io pin on the msp430 to which it's connected, but you can 
find it on the mote schematic.

In terms of software, I can't be as much help; haven't used tos1.  In general, 
I think you'd want to make the io pin in question interruptible, then within 
the interrupt handler set the state of the LED.

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