
I am doing a project on tinyos (Wildlife Sensor Network- adhoc network using
zigbee modules) . As dictated by requirements of my code I will have to use
many sensors( temp, GPS, light etc. ) and so  I will have  to make our own
sensor modules.Tinyos has low RAM requirements, which makes it useful for my
project. Please address some of our problems which I am facing in
understanding the functioning of Tinyos.

The examples given in the apps directory(Tinyos-1.x) use library functions
but dont give a detailed code about interacting with the hardware
peripherals. These function are in simple examples like Blink(call
Leds.redToggle();) and in complicated examples like Surge(post SendData();).

I want to ask is the code for commands like SendData and code for
communicating for hardware(Leds.redToggle) available .
If these functions made specially for devices like mote and if I will have
to make my own code. I will use AVR128 and I have used it earlier with
WinAVR for my other projects . It is being very difficult to understand and
make basic programs using TinyOS. If there is a tutorial for tinyos
utilities please send me the like on my email address.
Waiting eagerly for a reply.

Yours sincerely
Vaibhav Agarwal
Tinyos-help mailing list

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