On Mar 13, 2007, at 3:43 AM, fatima cabot wrote:

Hi, I'm having problems undertanding programming in nesC (I'm reading "Tinyos Programming by Philip Levis June 28, 2006). I have T2 installed over Ubuntu, and I am looking at Leds componente implementation. I have found one difference between the documentation and the component file. On page 54 (chapter 5: Configurations and Wiring) LedsC configuration appears:

Why does this happen?

Ah, the code evolved after I wrote that chapter. I should update it in the next revision.

Basically, the difference means that you don't have to wire Init to Leds. If you include LedsC, then it automatically wires LedsP to Main's Init for you. So you as a programmer don't have to do the wiring, making life easier.

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