Ok, thank you, I have found a modem working on TTL!

2007/3/13, Michael Schippling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
In short no...the signals at the board are logic level -- 0-3.3v --
and RS232 swings +/-5v (or 3 or something...anyway it goes negative).
Timing is OK however, as long as everyone agrees on the baud rate.

There are inexpensive chips to do the level conversion...MAX232 comes
to google search...and if you look up "serial level conversion" you'll
find all sorts of advice and products.

While developing you code you can of course just leave the micaz plugged
into one of the serial programming cards.


Jordi Casals wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to connect a modem to my micaz. The problem is that I must
> wire the serial pins directly, without the programming board, to an
> embedded modem. Then my question is: Are the TX and RX signals of the
> micaz pins compatible with the TX and RX signals in the RS232 connection
> of a modem? (Timing and Tension specifications)
> Thank you everybody!

Jordi Casals
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