

I'm working on a wireless sensor. My sensor has two channels connected to
the 12 bits ADCs A0 and A1 of the MSP430. I have to write a driver for read
the data on the two channels at 1Khz and to write it in a data frame send to
the radio buffer. 


My idea is to organize the data like this :


1 byte for the Tx address

1 byte for the Rx address

1 byte for a mod256 frame counter


Data_byte 1 : first sample first channel : 8 LSB

Data_byte 2 :   

                Bits 7 6 5 4 : first sample first channel : 4 MSB

                Bits 3 2 1 0 : first sample second channel : 4 MSB

Data_byte 3 : first sample second channel : 8 LSB

. and eventually the same formatting for other samples in the same packet.


This data packet will be send to the radio buffer for ShockBurst sending.


Somebody could explain me how to configure that data packet in my TinyOS
system ? My platform is already well defined.


And if somebody has some experience on writing this kind of driver in
TinyOS. that interest me a lot !


Thanks in advance !




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