On Mar 23, 2007, at 9:11 AM, Avinash Sridharan wrote:

Hi Phil,
I agree that if you apply rate control to the client it would limit the packet generation, but the reason I say the queueing dynamics would override these affects is that rate control algorithm assume all packets have the same service rate.

I don't understand what you mean by "all packets have the same service rate." Fairness rarely operates in terms of packets; it operates in terms of flows or node pairs. I'm not sure what fair servicing on a packet basis means, as a packet is a singleton.

But since the queue is biased towards the forwarder the service rate of a client packet will be less than the service rate of a frowarded packet. Wouldn't the rate allocated to the client have to take this into account ?

Again, I don't understand what you're asking. Are you asking about how you would implement network fairness? Or are you commenting that the current implementation of CtpForwardingEngineP does not have commands/events which provide the information you would need to implement fairness? This latter point is true -- you need to at least see the queue depth. Rodrigo and Om are working on the implementation so it can provide this information, in order to allow transport-level fairness mechanisms (e.g., IFRC) to be built on top of a CTP topology.

I don't understand what you're trying to achieve that CTP won't let you. I'll reiterate -- CTP has never claimed to provide network fairness under high load. If anything, it focuses on the much more common case in *low-power* sensornets of light load.

I agree with the point you made on the segregation of queues its like applying a control algorithm on the queues itself. So would it make sense to have a single queue for clients and forwarded packets and serving them without bias (first come first serve) and allowing rate controllers to control their rates ?

Sure -- isn't that what I said originally?


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