Hi David,

Firstly the buff in writeDone was for someother purpose which I did not use. It
could be ignored. (I would surely be in trouble later thinking why I wrote it. 
:-) )

With respect to EEPROMWrite.write - The first parameter is the offset or as the
interface files quotes "@param line address of the line to be written". 

Finally with the stack being cleared, that is a perfect analysis. I changed the
variable buff to static variable and of course now the stack doesnt get cleared.
Though this is not my application I will use the same analysis for my 

I tried the global variable as well. That works perfectly too.

Thanks a lot.

> Hi Santosh,
> I was reading your email earlier, and one thing came to mind at first: If
> your code works on the mica2, then your code can't be broken.  I'm also not
> sure that TOSSIM supports EEPROM?  Maybe someone else could fill in those
> details for me?
> But... let's take a look at your code.  I'll also be referring to a previous
> email you sent today.
> I think the main issue you're running into is stack vs. heap allocation for
> the "buff" variable, and how you're accessing it.  You define uint8_t
> buff[255] as a local variable to Timer1.fired().  Then, you call
> EEPROMWrite.write(0, buff).  This is a split-phase operation, so your
> Timer1.fired() event returns SUCCESS before the write (probably) proceeds
> and the buff[255] array gets cleared off the stack.  Your memory is then
> corrupted on EEPROM because whatever you told it to write no longer exists.
> Then, in the EEPROMWrite.writeDone() event, you define a pointer called
> *buff, and don't initialize it - but then again, you don't use it either.
> Just be careful with leaving it in there because you might get confused when
> you look at the code a year from now.
> One more question I have: I'm not entirely familiar with the
> EEPROMWrite.write interface - what is the first argument?  Is that the
> offset in EEPROM to write (and assume you're writing only one byte), or the
> length of data to write (and assume you're writing at a constant offset each
> time)?
> To solve all these issues, put buff[256] in global memory (below). The *buf
> pointer passed back as an argument in writeDone(..) should be equivalent of
> the &buff address.  writeDone() is just telling you what you passed in.
> After the writeDone() event, it's then safe to call Read if you want to.
> Hope that helps,
> -David
>         uint8_t buff[255];
>         event result_t Timer1.fired()
>         {
>                 memset(&buff, 11, sizeof(buff));
>                 if(call EEPROMWrite.write(0, &buff))
>                         dbg(DBG_USR1,"Write Successful %d\n",buff[0]);
>                 return SUCCESS;
>         }
>         event result_t EEPROMWrite.writeDone(uint8_t *buf)
>         {
>                 if(call EEPROMWrite.endWrite() == FAIL)
>                         dbg(DBG_USR1,"End Write Failed\n");
>                 call Leds.yellowOn();
>                 dbg(DBG_USR1, "Write Done %d\n",buf[0]);
>                 if(buf[0] == 11)
>                         call Leds.greenOn();
>                 else
>                         call Leds.redOn();
>                 return SUCCESS;
>         }
>         event result_t EEPROMWrite.endWriteDone(result_t success)
>         {
>                 return SUCCESS;
>         }
>         event result_t EEPROMRead.readDone(uint8_t *buf, result_t success)
>         {
>                 return SUCCESS;
>         }
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 2:50 PM
> Subject: Question regardin EEPROM.
> Hi David,
> I hope you are doing great there. 
> I am stuck with another memory/flash related issue. I am using the
> and EEPROMRead interface to write to the EEPROM. My code works on the mica2
> mote
> and doesnt work on TOSSIM. This is what I have done in my program
>         event result_t Timer1.fired()
>         {
>                 uint8_t buff[255];
>                 memset((void*)buff,11,1);
>                 if(call EEPROMWrite.write(0,buff))
>                         dbg(DBG_USR1,"Write Successful %d\n",buff[0]);
>                 return SUCCESS;
>         }
>         event result_t EEPROMWrite.writeDone(uint8_t *buf)
>         {
>                 uint8_t *buff;
>                 if(call EEPROMWrite.endWrite() == FAIL)
>                         dbg(DBG_USR1,"End Write Failed\n");
>                 call Leds.yellowOn();
>                 dbg(DBG_USR1, "Write Done %d\n",buf[0]);
>                 if(buf[0] == 11)
>                         call Leds.greenOn();
>                 else
>                         call Leds.redOn();
>                 return SUCCESS;
>         }
>         event result_t EEPROMWrite.endWriteDone(result_t success)
>         {
>                 return SUCCESS;
>         }
>         event result_t EEPROMRead.readDone(uint8_t *buf, result_t success)
>         {
>                 return SUCCESS;
>         }
> The place where I compare the buf[0] value to 11 fails in the TOSSIM.
> Basically
> the correct value is not getting written. 
> Can you help me on this as I need to test my code and I am running it on
> tossim?
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Santosh.

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