  If u have a look at the topology file, u'll find the coordinates of node
0, node 1 and so on. e.g., coordinates of node 0 are (0,0), those of node 1
are (40,0) fact u can change the file that I sent to create ur own
topology, and then only run the LossyBuilder to generate the bit error

On 4/4/07, santosh bhima <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have created the network using tht lossy builder.but how to place each
node in a position i want it to be

On 4/3/07, Bibudh Lahiri < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Santosh,
>    Please see the attached files. You can create a topology file with
> the cooridinates of all the n nodes in ur network. Now u can generate a bit
> error probablity for all the n^2 node pairs (following a Gaussian probablity
> distribution) by creating a lossy radio model with this topology with the
> following command:
> java net.tinyos.sim.LossyBuilder -i topology -o radiomodel.nss
> Now, to use the radiomodel.nss file as the radio model for ur
> application, run it with
> build/pc/main.exe  -rf=radiomodel.nss <no_of_nodes>
> If u don't create ur own radio model file, TOSSIM takes a file named
> lossy.nss by default.
> U can also go thru the doc
> by Philip if u want to know everything in detail.
> Bibudh
> On 4/3/07, santosh bhima < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I need a help in to create a network in the way(positioning
> > the nodes at some co-ordinates) we want and make the communication occur.
> >
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