One little tidbit that I just discovered is that PORTE,pin7 is
labeled INT3 on the mica2 schematic (and probably micaz as well).
But this is labeled INT7 in the ATMEGA manual.

Given that your two confused numbers are 3 and 7, I suspect there is
some other place where the signals are defined. I found my def in:
e.g.: #define SIG_INPUT_CAPTURE3      _VECTOR(25)
Note also that the vector numbers are off by one from the manual...


Jordi Casals wrote:

I think that there is a problem with the interruptions on the Atm128.
In the, the assignation of pins is:

....     new HplAtm128InterruptPinP(IRQ_PORT_D_PIN(0)) as IntPin0,
   new HplAtm128InterruptPinP(IRQ_PORT_D_PIN(1)) as IntPin1,
   new HplAtm128InterruptPinP(IRQ_PORT_D_PIN(2)) as IntPin2,
   new HplAtm128InterruptPinP(IRQ_PORT_D_PIN(3)) as IntPin3,
   new HplAtm128InterruptPinP(IRQ_PORT_E_PIN(4)) as IntPin4,
   new HplAtm128InterruptPinP(IRQ_PORT_E_PIN(5)) as IntPin5,
   new HplAtm128InterruptPinP(IRQ_PORT_E_PIN(6)) as IntPin6,
   new HplAtm128InterruptPinP(IRQ_PORT_E_PIN(7)) as IntPin7;

 Int0 = IntPin0;
 Int1 = IntPin1;
 Int2 = IntPin2;
 Int3 = IntPin3;
 Int4 = IntPin4;
 Int5 = IntPin5;
 Int6 = IntPin6;
 Int7 = IntPin7;

In my micaz, when I try to get interrupts from Int0, the pin that it is listening is the corresponding to USART1_RX... When I try to get interrupts from Int7, the pin that it is listening is D3 (corresponding to Int3)...

I don't know if I do anything wrong or there is a mapping problem.

Thank you

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