Hi David

I've got now a version of the stack that does not crash in my test application (at least i did not observed any crashes). With the attached changes of CC2420SpiImplP.nc, it worked fine, but only without dma support. I added some additional checks for the resource sharing. Before that, it could happen, that a the resource (provided by CC2420SpiImplP.nc,) could be released before the granted event could be signaled (when m_holder was already set, but SpiResource.granted has not signaled).


David Moss wrote:
Roman -

Just wanted to confirm I got your email.  Your new observations are
definitely valuable in solving this problem.  On my end, I'm kind of swamped
until the middle of next week.  After that point, duplicating and resolving
this issue will be one of the top todo's on my list.

Thanks again,

-----Original Message-----
From: Roman Lim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2007 1:18 AM
To: David Moss
Cc: 'Philip Levis'; 'Jonathan Hui'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] tinyos2 cc2420lpl locked-up node

Hi David

I tried out your fix. the problem still occurs, even if i decrease the lpl receive check interval (i used 300 ms). I made a few additional observations (maybe they could help fixing the problem):

if i decrease the time the usart-resource is occupied by another component than the radio stack, the time until the first node freezes

i added a test variable in cc2420controlp to find the exact line in the code, where the lockup uccurs. the code hangs when starting the
cc2420 at this line (162):

call IOCFG1.write( CC2420_SFDMUX_XOSC16M_STABLE << CC2420_IOCFG1_CCAMUX );

just after the state variable has been set to S_XOSC_STARTING.


David Moss wrote:

Thanks for sending us this code.  Two things:

1. I independently had a problem with sending data from serial->radio and
back quickly (packets were being lost constantly, everything was going
very slow to the point of failure.  I wasn't able to lock up any nodes
though). An update to CC2420AckLplP to fixed the problem (attached - also
contribs).  This CC2420 radio stack has been integrated into my deployment
applications and tested with no issues so far.

2. I haven't had a chance to test this update to see if it affects your
code.  If the update doesn't work, how does decreasing the LPL receive
interval affect your nodes?  100 ms Rx checks might be pretty fast if you
have a bunch of other things running, as well as accessing the UART.  Each
receive check lasts for approximately 1 to 5 ms and is completely
atomic-blocked off in order to shut the radio off as fast as possible.

Thanks again for finding and bringing this issue up.  It's good to know
issues might be still open in the up and coming 2.0.1 release.

-----Original Message-----
From: Roman Lim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2007 2:08 PM
To: David Moss
Cc: 'Philip Levis'; 'Jonathan Hui'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] tinyos2 cc2420lpl locked-up node

I'm using current CVS and also david's new stack (as mentioned).
I wrote a simple test programm (attached, dma-usage and lowpowerlistening was defined in the makefile) that reproduces this behaviour.
In my testbed (consisting of 13 nodes), this code makes them hanging.


David Moss wrote:
This does sound like a different issue than what we've seen before.
What's the best method to try to duplicate it?  Do you simply have a node
idly duty cycling at 100 ms?  Are there other transmitters nearby?  Is
node that locks up trying to transmit?

It's also surprising that the DMA version crashes too.  I'll do what I
to look into this.


-----Original Message-----
From: Roman Lim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2007 3:10 AM
To: David Moss
Cc: 'Philip Levis'; 'Jonathan Hui'
Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] tinyos2 cc2420lpl locked-up node


I have a follow-up on this issue. I've been using this cc2420 stack extensively (together with ctp) the last few month. I also use a component that communicates over uart0, so I used resource arbitration.

I noticed, that nodes (tmote sky) hang again in a loop (the same while loop in SpiByte.write) after a few minutes, even if I use the spi implementation with dma. (Tested with the latest CC2420 stack in tinyos-2.x-contrib / rincon / tos / chips / cc2420 , SleepInterval set to 100ms)

The problem seems to be a bit different to the last one:
The resource is now properly granted at the time the loop occurs (at least this is what the state variables tell)
I think, the problem occurs somewhere in the dutycycling radio code, as
the state of CC2420ControlP is S_XOSC_STARTING
m_state in CC2420ReceiveP and CC2420TransmitP are both S_STOPPED


David Moss wrote:
Done deal.  Changed them to StdControl.

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Levis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 10:04 AM
To: David Moss
Cc: 'Jonathan Hui'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] tinyos2 cc2420lpl locked-up node

On Mar 27, 2007, at 9:49 AM, David Moss wrote:

True, but there currently are no interrupts that would turn off the radio. The AsyncStdControl commands are only called from SplitControl, which is not asynchronous. Should we handle the case in the future where an interrupt
might disable the radio?  What would be the plan of attack?
Then it could be StdControl instead of AsyncStdControl, and everything is a lot easier.

If it's ASC, then I think it's a good idea to make sure the implementation of the function is correct given its signature: otherwise future users who think it's OK to call stop() in an interrupt will be burned and have to spend weeks figuring out what's going on.

So I think the two options are to either say that interrupts can't disable the radio (StdControl), or say they can (AsyncStdControl) and implement it safely. The former is a lot easier...


Index: CC2420SpiImplP.nc
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -r1.2 CC2420SpiImplP.nc
>   enum {
>     S_IDLE,
>     S_BUSY,
>   };
<   bool m_resource_busy = FALSE;
>   uint8_t m_state=S_IDLE;
<       if ( m_resource_busy )
>       if ( m_state != S_IDLE )
<         m_resource_busy = TRUE;
>         m_state = S_GRANTING;
<       if ( m_resource_busy )
>       if ( m_state != S_IDLE )
<         m_resource_busy = TRUE;
>         m_state = S_BUSY;
<       if ( m_holder != id ) {
>       if ( (m_holder != id) | (m_state != S_BUSY)) {
<         m_resource_busy = FALSE;
>         m_state = S_IDLE;
>             m_state = S_GRANTING;
<     atomic return m_holder == id;
>     atomic return (m_holder == id) & (m_state == S_BUSY);
<     atomic holder = m_holder;
>     atomic { 
>         holder = m_holder;
>         m_state = S_BUSY;
>     }
<       if(!m_resource_busy) {
>       if(m_state != S_BUSY) {
<       if(!m_resource_busy) {
>       if(m_state != S_BUSY) {
<       if(!m_resource_busy) {
>       if(m_state != S_BUSY) {
<       if(!m_resource_busy) {
>       if(m_state != S_BUSY) {
<       if(!m_resource_busy) {
>       if(m_state != S_BUSY) {
<       if(!m_resource_busy) {
>       if(m_state != S_BUSY) {
<       if(!m_resource_busy) {
>       if(m_state != S_BUSY) {
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