On Apr 13, 2007, at 11:47 AM, Tony Mancill wrote:

Whoops - my apologies - I misunderstood the initial email.

FWIW, a few thoughts...

I gave this matter some thought when I first installed TinyOS and at the
time was thinking that a chroot environment might be best in terms of
long-term stability and preventing conflicts.  However, there is some
setup of the chroot itself that could become fairly involved.  You'd
probably want to bind mount /opt inside the chroot so it looked the same
both inside and outside.

(And if you're going to that much trouble, it
might be easier for users to create a VMware appliance like the one the
SOS team produced.)

There's work to do exactly this, with the hope of releasing it at the TTX, where we can hand out live CDs.


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