I have a few questions regarding flash storage. I'm using the MICA2DOT mote.
I'm trying to store 3 sample sets of 7-bytes each (21 bytes total) to a
AT45DB Log storage every 10ms.

In TEP:103 it claims that the smallest block that can be written to the
AT45DB is 257B (I'm assuming this is bytes not bits) so....
when I perform the function

call LogWrite.write(mydata, 21)

Is this actually writing 256bytes to memory or just the 21 bytes? Or does it
store the data in RAM until 256 bytes of information has been written to
FLASH before actually writing it to FLASH. I'm asking because I have time
sensitive application and the time it takes to write data to FLASH (5ms for
256Bytes) I believe is throwing my data off.

Any information would be great

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