On 6/11/07, Alexander Becher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

* Romain Thouvenin:
>I would like to know if/how the propagation time of packets is
>simulated in tossim, and how it generally relates to the real world. I
>didn't find anything about it on the website but I may have missed it,
>I'm not very familiar with the terms.

I'm relaying second hand knowledge: Tossim apparently adds a random
delay of a few simulation cycles before a receive event is processed at
the receiving node. How this delay is calculated, I don't know.

Also, for radio propagation, the delay in the real world will be small.
If sending a packet takes, say, 10 ms, and a node 200 m away receives
it, the propagation delay is approx. 200 m / (2e8 m/s) = 1 us. So medium
propagation can probably be neglected.

Hope this helps,

Thanks for your reply.

I only use TMilli precision with my timers, so I agree that I
shouldn't see any difference between simulation and real world.

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