I see sorry,
another way you might try is

  uint8_t flag;
  uint8_t length;
} Command;

this definitely works for me. All other thing i see that might be different..

julien falco wrote:

it doesnt work (i declared struct and not typedef struct) and anyway it did not work with typedef struct either! there must be someting else... :-(

On 6/11/07, *Gideon Spreeth* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Declare Cmd1 just by saying:

    Command Cmd1;

    julien falco wrote:
    > I am trying to set a value to an uint8_t type in a structure. i
    > it the C way:
    > struct Command
    > {
    >    uint8_t flag;
    >    uint8_t length;
    > };
    > struct Command Cmd1;
    >     Cmd1.flag = '0';
    > but at compiling it says that
    > ReaderControllerM.nc :52: unexpected interface reference in
    > of `Cmd1.
    > flag'
    > What does it mean? How to give a value to a byte in tinyos in
    > and what are the types? I am actually trying to go a bit further
    > the struct and do something like this below, but since i am already
    > stucked with a simple one...:
    > struct Command
    > {
    >    uint8_t flag[2];
    >    uint8_t length[4];
    > };
    > thanks guys.
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