Hello Giri,

you helped me before by letting me know that MEP-SYS components are
preprogrammed with low power version of Xmesh, which I didn't know.

My MEP-SYS is acting very strangely. Like you told me before, i tried to
power-cycle the motes, but they kept that strange timing when sending data (
everything disrupted when i tried to change the Data Rate for All motes ).
I couldn't make them return to original state. I tried to turn them ON, and
OFF, but nothing changed.
If you are interested to look at database here is the link to exported

I left them turned OFF  for 3-4 days, and now, when I turn them on again and
start the moteview, nothing happens, just the xserve command prompt window
opens, but no data is received.
The MoteView is running for 3-4 hours but no data is received.
do you have any idea how can I fix this problem?
Also one of the things that's confusing me is that the base station readings
are so strange, acctually I'm not sure, should it be any readings from the
base station itself?

Is there any way to return the motes in original state?



On 6/5/07, Giri Baleri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Hello Ogenjen,

Your settings seem correct. Make sure you are using
\MoteView\xmesh\mica2\XMeshBase_433_lp.exe app from MoteView 1.2.B that is
contained on the CD. The settings are
 Node ID = 0
GroupID = 125
Radio Band = 433 MHz
Channel Number = CHANNEL_00

When I said power cycle, I meant tuning the nodes OFF and ON.

If you want to change something in the Mote firmware, you should first
make changes in the nesC/TinyOS code, recompile it and then reprogram the

I hope that helps,

*From:* ognjen popovic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Sent:* Tuesday, June 05, 2007 11:03 AM
*To:* Giri Baleri
*Subject:* Re: [Tinyos-help] MEP-SYS / MoteView 1.2 Problems

 Hello Giri,
Settings I used for the Base Station are: Node ID=0, Group ID = 125 (0xfd)
, RF band= 433 MHz, RF Channel = CHANNEL_00 ) I asked the xbow support about
the RF channel.

I read somewhere about LowPower mode cann't be used for reprogramming the
motes, but I wasn't sure.

I'm not really sure what does it mean power-cycle? If you could explain it
little more?
I tried to turn off all motes, and turn them on again, but nothing
It's not really most clear to me how could I change something with motes,
if they don't support the commands?

Thank you,

Ognjen Popovic

On 6/5/07, Giri Baleri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hello Ognjen,
> The MEP nodes in the MEP-SYS are programmed with XMesh 1.2 firmware and
> the low power version of the app doesn't support the commands (eg. change
> data rates). You can power-cycle the MEP nodes to get them back to original
> configuration ( i.e. data once every 3 minutes).
> For your base station, what node ID, group ID, RF band and RF channel
> did you use?
> The MEP410s and MEP510s operate in low power mode and can not be
> reprogrammed over the air (especially since they run XMesh 1.2).
> Regards,
> Giri Baleri
> Crossbow Technology, Inc
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *ognjen
> popovic
> *Sent:* Tuesday, June 05, 2007 9:39 AM
> *To:* tinyos-help@Millennium.Berkeley.EDU
> *Subject:* [Tinyos-help] MEP-SYS / MoteView 1.2 Problems
>  Hello,
> I work on the MEP-SYS enviromental system from crossbow. With the
> enviromental system came the MoteView 1.2.
> I tried to change Data Rate of motes.
> Beofre that , motes periodically sent their data exactly every 3
> minutes. But when I tried to change the Data Rate to 6 minutes, they lost
> their synchronisation , and now some motes are sending data 10 times per
> minute, and some almost never.
> I tried to reprogramm the Base Station (MBR 410) (with XMesh_Base_lp),
> but after some time, led 1 and 2 turned on, and led 3 blinks every 30
> seconds.
> Does anyone have some experience with these devices, and is there a way
> I could return the system into the original state?
> I'm not sure how te reprogramm the motes ( MEP 410 and  MEP 510) over
> the air, and any instructions would be more then useful.
> Regards,
> Ognjen Popovic

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