Thanks for all your replies. I'll sample my channel with the multiple channel interface and see if i can have the frequence i need, around 1000 hz without dma. If i can't i'll try to add dma to improve speed.

Jan Hauer wrote:
My last question is why Msp430Adc12DMAP dont provide
Msp430Adc12MultiChannel? is this a DMA limitation?

On msp430 the combination ADC MultiChannel + DMA has not been
implemented yet (it's on my TODO list).

I also found that no constant is available to use
Msp430Adc12ClientAutoDMA_RVGC or Msp430Adc12ClientAutoDMAC in
AdcReadClient/AdcReadNowClient/AdcReadStreamClient. Is it on purpose and

The HIL interfaces are platform independent and by default the HIL
clients use  Msp430Adc12ClientAutoRVGC (because they "don't know"
whether they will need the RVG). If you are sure that you don't need
the  internal reference voltage generator, you can save some code with
the switch REF_VOLT_AUTO_CONFIGURE in the header file (it uses a
Msp430Adc12ClientC on the HAL instead).

Currently MultiChannel is provided by Msp430Adc12ClientC only - I will
add the interface for
Msp430Adc12ClientAutoRVGC (if I find time next week).


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