Hi Steve,

I've already seen this pdf with this power consumption graphic.

Nice to know how to do it, but for the moment, with my equipment I will try to use voltage readings as a first reference.

Anyway I will try to search this equipment to best know the power consumption of my software.


Hi Xavier,

On Tuesday 19 June 2007 04:49:51 Xavier Orduña wrote:
Regarding to this topic, I'm working in reducing some power consumption,
Is there any way to know the actual consumption in mA of the tmote sky?
the idea is to check if implemented improvements really save energy.

AFAIK, the only way to measure actual power consumption is with an external measurement device. Here's what we do to look at power use on our mote designs.

We put together a simple but high bandwidth regulated power supply that is used in place of the mote's battery. It's output is regulated *after* a precision series resistor that can be used to measure current draw. By reading the voltage drop with a high-speed DAC connected to a PC running a LabView program we wrote, we can log power consumption over both 'short' and 'long' periods of time, measuring min, max, avg power consumption as well as showing the actual current response to various events (like when the radio goes on and off).

There's a good example of using this kind of measurement tool in the AntiTheft sample app of tinyos-2.x. It includes a pdf presentation showing the impact of various resource management mechanisms on the power consumption of their mote. Very useful info, IMO.

All the best,

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