What I got from TEP 111 was that we should use interface programming,
instead of accessing the field directly. Besides, Tos_Msg was replaced
for message_t in T2...
Thanks for the help

2007/6/25, Michael Schippling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
In T1, and I think T2 as well, you can look at the Tos_Msg.strength
field in your message receive() function(s). This will give you
the raw reading from the chip's rssi pin. I keep forgetting how
to convert it to dbm, so search this list or the xbow manuals
for the formula.


Bernardo Avila Pires wrote:
>  Deer TinyOS-ers,
>    And so it came the day when I had to measure received signal
> strength, etc, in mica2 motes. I found that cc2420 has a nice and
> simple way to get such information. It is not the case for cc1000, is
> it?
>    What if I define an interface for it and implement the operations?
> Would it be extremely hard and unrecommended? And I have to mantaing
> everthing TEP-compliant, right?
>    If there's a interface for getting rssi information from received
> messages, please tell me and point me some directions.
>    Thanks in advance for your help.
>     Regards,
>             Bernardo

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