Assuming you actually got all the SF's to run on the right ports,
you can use an "&" at the end of the line to put the command
"in the background" so you can execute more commands while it is
running:    some -command -with -args &

If you have a bunch of commands in a file, again with the "&"'s
and redirect that script file output, it should also redirect
the individual command outputs. However it may not interleave
lines in a clean way...that's system and luck dependent.

For details of how to use the bash shell try:
        help bash
        man bash


Nam Pham wrote:
Hi all,

I would like to retrieve messages from multiple SerialFowarders. For example, one SerialForwarder is at port 9001, the other SerialForwarder is at port 9002. I want to write a java application to listen to both ports at the same time. I can open separate terminals and listen to each port individually by running:
export [EMAIL PROTECTED]:9001; java NetworkGUI > 9001_data.txt
export [EMAIL PROTECTED]:9002; java NetworkGUI > 9002_data.txt

Here, the example only has two ports. Sometimes, I need to listen to more than 10 ports. Opening 10 terminals seems to be a hassle. I would like to listen to all ports with one terminal and concat the data into one file.

java NetworkGUI > all_data.txt

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Best regards,


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