
Thank you a lot for you interest and help in the subject!
I'll correct it in the code and see the result. I thought, when observing
that behaviour, it was just a delay till the ctp tree was fully
I'll see how this goes now, thanks!

Very best regards,

Pedro Almeida

On 7/16/07, Omprakash Gnawali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If you look in the code below in, you will notice that
we take msg out of the queue but try to send recvPtr on the UART. We
should send msg on the UART. This fix was discovered a long time ago
but we had forgotten to update the CVS. I committed a fix for this
problem to the CVS.

> task void uartEchoTask() {
> dbg("Traffic", "Sending packet to UART.\n");
> if (call Queue.empty()) {
> return;
> }
> else if (!uartbusy) {
> message_t* msg = call Queue.dequeue();
> dbg("Traffic", "Sending packet to UART.\n");
> if (call UARTSend.send(0xffff, recvPtr, call Receive.payloadLength(msg)
+ 4)
> == SUCCESS) {
> uartbusy = TRUE;
> }
> /*else {
> call CollectionDebug.logEventMsg(NET_C_DBG_2,
> call CollectionPacket.getSequenceNumber(recvPtr),
> call CollectionPacket.getOrigin(recvPtr),
> call AMPacket.destination(recvPtr));
> }*/
> }
> }

- om_p

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