First a couple suggestions....upgrade to a later version of TOS1.x,
say something over .7 and use the defines in the
contrib/xbow/apps/MakeXbowlocal file (or just do your development
in the xbow tree, otherwise the CC1000 will not work very well
(in my experience...).

Also setPower() may not have much effect in the simulator. I don't
know if it is implemented in any sensible way.

The doc/tutorial should help you on how to include components,
but here's a quick rundown:

In your config file, something like:


/** -- Master Config file for the RoboII Mote application

includes RoboHardware;
includes RoboMsg;

configuration Robot { }
  components Main, RobotM, TimerC, LedsC,
                GenericComm as RComm,           // for RADIO & UART comm
                CC1000ControlM,                 // for mica2 radio control
                MotionM, RoboMsgM;

  Main.StdControl -> RobotM.StdControl;
  Main.StdControl -> TimerC;

  RobotM.CC1000ControlM-> CC1000ControlM;  // to get radio control functions
  RobotM.RCommControl -> RComm;                 // to init the radio 

  RobotM.Motion -> MotionM;
  RobotM.RoboMsg -> RoboMsgM;

  // Host commands to be received (from Radio or UART)
  RoboMsgM.RCmdStartMsg -> RComm.ReceiveMsg[AM_ROBOCMDSTARTMSG];
  RoboMsgM.RCmdStopMsg -> RComm.ReceiveMsg[AM_ROBOCMDSTOPMSG];
  RoboMsgM.RCmdStatMsg -> RComm.ReceiveMsg[AM_ROBOCMDSTATMSG];
  RoboMsgM.RCmdDataMsg -> RComm.ReceiveMsg[AM_ROBOCMDDATAMSG];
  // Status replies to send
  RoboMsgM.RStatusMsg -> RComm.SendMsg[AM_ROBOSTATUSMSG];
  RoboMsgM.RDataMsg -> RComm.SendMsg[AM_ROBODATAMSG];



and in your component module:

/** -- Main program for RoboII

includes RoboMsg;  /* the basic request and status messages */

module RobotM
        provides interface StdControl;
                interface Timer;
                interface Leds;
                interface StdControl as RCommControl
                interface CC1000ControlM;

                interface RoboMsg;
        int someFunction()
                CC1000ControlM.setPower( x );

// ....



bou ahm wrote:
I am new to tinyos ,I work on the version Tinyos1.1.0 with the use of TOSSIM simulator and nesc language.I want to add the component CC1000RadioC in my configuration,the requered interface is CC1000Control as it provides SetRFPower(Power) command .please I need a simple exemple of use interface CC1000Control and command SetRFPower.

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